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Notes from subscribers…

“Wow. Never in my life have I heard something so profound. I have been drawing my whole life, and I’ve always struggled with finding my artistic voice. I’ve never understood how to find myself in my art. This is so helpful; thank you so much for sharing this with me!”

Zechariah H.

“Just gotta say… I just signed up a few days ago and sat down while waiting on my 15 year old to get out of school and read this. I now have tears streaming down my face and felt more reading this than I have felt period in a long time! Great essay! Will have me reflecting on back then and even the me the came out of it all now… will have me reflecting rest of today if not rest of the week!”

Megan R.

I love the way you tap into the mind and emotion, and connect it with art and the whole creative process. It just all makes so much sense.

Aryln R.

“Hi Christine! What you are doing is amazing! For now, I’ve subscribed to billion blogs writing about drawing and creativity, and so far yours is the Best!”

Ege C.